Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Aisha's life Part One

Aisha was the daughter of Abu Bakr, who was a close friend and follower of the prophet Mohamed (PBUH).
As I have established before, Aisha was indeed young when she marry but she was a woman nonetheless and her union to the prophet was perfectly legitimate.

There is a reason why Aisha was chosen to be the prophet’s life partner. She was an incredibly smart and vivacious woman and her qualities helped Islam in so many ways. Her accurate memory allowed many to become familiar with the life and teachings of the prophet long after his passing. And in that she was and is to this day invaluable.

Aisha (PBUH) spent the next nine years of her life with the Prophet (PBUH), she remembered all that she saw and heard with great clarity. So much happened around him - the Quran continued to be revealed, ayat by ayat, and people's hearts were constantly being turned over and transformed, including hers and she was a witness of so much of all that took place. It is not surprising, therefore, that a great deal of the knowledge that we still have today, about how our beloved Prophet  lived and behaved, was first remembered and then taught to others by Aisha.
 It is thanks to this exceptional marriage, between a man nearing the end of his life and a woman still near the beginning of hers, that we know so much about the both of them, and this is what makes it so much easier for those who wish to follow in their footsteps to try and follow their example.

Whereas Khadijah was already a wise and mature woman when she married the Prophet Mohamed, Aisha was a spirited young woman. She was not afraid to talk back in order to find out the truth or make it known, and whenever she beat someone else in argument, the Prophet would smile and say, "She is the daughter of Abu Bakr!"
Musa ibn Talha once said, "I have not seen anyone more eloquent than Aisha."

Aisha  became so wise that one of her contemporaries used to say that if the knowledge of Aisha were placed on one side of the scales that of all other women on the other, Aisha side would outweigh the other. She used to sit with the other women and pass on the knowledge that she had received from the Prophet and long after he had died, and as long as she lived, she was a source of knowledge and wisdom for both women and men.

Abu Musa once said, "Whenever a report appeared doubtful to us, the Companions of the Prophet, and we asked Aisha about it, we always learned something from her about it."

On one occasion, the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) said to her, "O Aisha, here is Jibril giving you greetings of peace." "And on him be peace." She said, 'and the mercy of Allah." When she was telling Abu Salama about this, she added, "He (meaning the Prophet Mohamed ) sees what I do not see."

As well as being extremely intelligent, Aisha was a very graceful young woman. When she first came to live in the Prophet's household , a strong and lasting friendship grew up between her and Sawda. Sawda was one of the prophet’s other wife.
All the prophet's wives were called: “The Mother of the Believers' - a title of respect, and also a confirmation of what is stated in the Quran: no man could marry them after they had been married to the prophet.

“The Prophet is closer to the believers than their ownselves, and his wives are as their mothers.”  Quran 33:6

“O you wives of the Prophet, if any of you is openly indecent, the punishment for her will be doubled - and that is easy for Allah. And whoever of you submits to Allah and His Messenger has right action, We shall give her a reward twice over and We have prepared a generous provision for her. O you wives of the Prophet, you are not like any other women. If you are fearful of Allah then do not be soft in yspeech, lest someone whose heart is sick is attracted to you, but speak words that are wise. And stay quietly in your houses, do not make a dazzling display like that of the time of ignorance before and establish prayer and pay the Zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. Surely Allah wishes to remove impurity far from you, O People of the House, and to purify you completely. And remember that ayahs of Allah that are recited in your houses and the wisdom. Surely Allah is Alpervading, All Aware.” Quran 33:30-34

It is sometimes difficult to picture what life must have been like for the wives and the Companions of the Prophet because the light that emanated from him and through them was so unique.
The Prophet Mohamed was truly a mercy to all the worlds.

“O Prophet, surely We have sent you as a witness and as a bringer of good news and a warner; and one who calls the people to Allah by His permission, and as a shining light.” Quran 33:45-46

It is said that people were awed by the Prophet Mohamed when they were in his presence, and that they sat and listened to his words with their eyes lowered, as if they had birds perched on their heads, and that they would do anything for him, so great was their love for him. It was because of the perfection of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) that everyone was commanded to ask blessings on him:

“Allah and His angels pray blessings on the Prophet; O you who believe! Pray blessings of him and ask for peace for him”. Quran 33:56

It was because of the Prophet Mohamed's unique station with Allah that his wives and his Companions were expected by Allah to behave with such respect and courtesy towards the Prophet Mohamed; and that his wives could not possibly marry anyone else after having been married to him:

“When you ask his wives for something, ask them from behind a screen. That is purer for your hearts and for their hearts. It is not for you to cause injury to the Messenger of Allah, or ever marry his wives after him. To do that would be something dreadful in the sight of Allah”. Quran 33:53

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